Thinking of Raising Capital?

Thinking of Raising Capital?

Our Approach to Private Capital

In a fast-paced, high-powered industry, raising capital can sometimes be challenging. Finding the right capital source and structure that fits your needs is important for your company’s long-term objectives.

Find out more about our private capital financing strategies for middle-market companies below.
A private placement is an alternative means for companies to raise capital, as opposed to traditional bank financing, private equity, mezzanine financing or issuing a corporate bond.

It is a way for institutional investors to lend to companies in a similar fashion as banks, with a ‘buy-and-hold’ approach, and with no required trading or public disclosures.

Learn about Private Placements
“A private placement is a way for companies to access long-term, fixed-rate debt that nicely complements their existing bank facility”
Thomas Krausser, Senior Vice President, Pricoa Private Capital

Direct lending takes the place of senior secured debt and floating rate capital traditionally provided by banks, eliminating the need for an intermediary, such as an investment bank.

Direct lending capital is very consistent with a bank loan, floating rate in terms of the coupon and medium term dated capital, typically 5- to 6-years in maturity direct lending tends to be an event-driven type of financing, for middle-market companies with attractive growth prospects and positive cashflow.
Learn about Direct Lending
“The market can be very transactional. It’s short term and somewhat fleeting in terms of relationships – that's not our approach. We take a longer-term perspective.”
Matthew Harvey, Managing Director, Pricoa Private Capital

Mezzanine financing is a capital that sits between senior debt and equity that has both debt and equity features. Companies use mezzanine financing to achieve goals that require capital beyond what senior lenders will extend.
Learn about Mezzanine Financing
“If you have a view that your business is going to be worth more tomorrow, than it is today, then issuing mezzanine capital can create greater value for the shareholders over time.”
Matthew Harvey, Managing Director, Pricoa Private Capital

How Pricoa Private Capital can work for you

Lending is about more than just financing. You need a partner who listens to what you think is important, understands your business, and stands by you. Steady, patient commitment to your goals and your business ensures that no matter what your capital needs – today or in the future – we’re there to help you succeed.
Learn about our Approach